So, in the aftermath of Jeff's passing, we are facing some tough decisions. Like moving back to Illinois. Normally, this wouldn't be a huge deal, but right now, it is. First of all, Daryl assured us not two weeks ago that he has no plans to move back to Illinois. His home is here in Florida. He said he couldn't even bear the thought of selling this house because Jeff bought it for us. However, tonight, he dropped the other shoe on us. He told us he wants to move back to Illinois. He wants the house on the market by the end of October.
We spent what little savings we had on getting to Illinois for Jeff's memorial service. To say we are tight on money is an understatement right now. Now suddenly, we have to continue paying our bills (which we're barely covering now), continue paying rent here, and manage to save enough money to rent a truck, pay for gas for the truck AND the van to get to Illinois, and have enough money to pay for some place to live in Illinois. The move alone will cost about three grand. I'm not sure how we're going to pull this off. I'm not happy that he gave us such short notice. Even after all the discussions we've had about this in the past month. We told him about a month ago that we couldn't afford to move until income tax time at the earliest. *sigh*
What really ticks me off is that Daryl is the one who convinced Jeff to help us move down here. He then convinced US to move down here. It was his idea to buy a house for us. (We planned on moving down here and getting our own place.) He has told us a billion times that he wanted us down here so he and Jeff could spend time with the kids. Now that we're here and facing having to move back, he tells us that if the only reason we moved down here was for the kids to spend time with them, then we shouldn't have moved down here to begin with. I'm stunned. Really. I don't know what to say. All of this was his idea. He planned it. And now we're being dismissed, like we're nothing more than renters.
While we were in Illinois, I heard a lot of talk from a lot of people about how Daryl would behave now that Jeff has passed. I didn't want to believe it. I guess I'm an over-trusting person. I don't distrust anyone until they give me a reason to. I thought Daryl would never turn his back on us. I thought he'd still be the kids grandpa. I guess I thought wrong. He says he wants to move back to be with family. I can understand that. It makes sense. But to brush us off, to leave us practically living out of our van, to disregard all of our previous conversations about this very matter, it pisses me off.
He says he wants the house on the market by the end of October, but he wants to paint and do some other work to the house first. He doesn't want us living in the house while he works on it. I figure it'll take him about a month to do all the work he's talking about, which means we have to be out of here by September. That gives us all of July and August to save $3k, find somewhere to live in Illinois, pack up and move.
I know some of you want us to move to Texas. I'd love to, but I honestly don't think that's going to happen right now. A does not want to move to Texas at all. He hates the heat. He hates being anywhere unfamiliar. I don't really blame him. He has a friend in Illinois already looking to line him up with an AWESOME job that would help us out enormously. Although, I'll never stop nagging him about visiting or moving there eventually. ;)
With all of that being said, I hate asking for help. My pride gets in the way there. A is worse though. He'll never ask anyone for help. So I'm taking it upon myself to push my pride aside and ask. If anyone could help us out I would be eternally grateful. We need help finding a place to live, and keeping an eye open for any available job (for me) once we get there, and any funds would be helpful.
I guess that's about all for now.