Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This morning was a nightmare!

Let me give you some back story real quick. My kids love to make messes. They love getting into the refrigerator, cabinets, toiletries, pretty much whatever they can get their hands on. I had issues with them getting up in the middle of the night and getting into the refrigerator and pantries. They used to break eggs and spill flour and sugar and stuff on my carpets. I put an end to that by putting the flour and sugar, and spill-able stuff on top of the refrigerator, out of reach. Then I moved a table in front of the refrigerator door at night just before I go to bed. They can't move it, so I figured, problem solved! This has worked for about six months now. Until this morning. They have learned how to climb on the table. They got into the powdered cocoa, the chocolate snack cakes, and sugar. So, not only did I have to clean them up, and the mess they made, I have to deal with two already hyper kids, who now have sugar buzzes.

I did get a brief break during their nap time. But as soon as they woke up, it was more drama. I need to go to the grocery store in a little bit, so I got the kids cleaned up and dressed to go. Then I did some dishes, mopped the kitchen floor, and vacuumed the living room. By the time I got done with my chores, the kids were half dressed and once again, covered in chocolate. Apparently they had stashed some of their goodies in their room and got into it again. Uhg. I got them cleaned up again, clean clothes, cleaned their rooms and made sure there were no more goodies stashed away anywhere.

Now I need to go to the store, get dinner made, tend the garden, get the kids bathed, do the dishes, start some laundry and put the kids to bed. That's the plan anyway. We'll see what surprises the kids have in store for me next.

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