One of my friends was talking about a new bill that just passed in Texas. She was very upset about it. I however have a different opinion about it. So what is this bill, you ask?
The law, which takes effect Sept. 1, requires doctors to make the image of the fetus, and the fetal heartbeat, available to a woman, although she may decline to see or hear it.
Doctors must describe the fetus, noting the size and condition of limbs and organs. The law also requires women to wait 24 hours after the sonogram to have an abortion, unless they live more than 100 miles from an abortion provider. In that case, they have to wait two hours.
Exceptions are allowed in emergencies, in cases of incest or rape, or if there are fetal abnormalities.
Read more: http://www.star-telegram.com/2011/05/24/3101247/perry-signs-sonogram-bill-that.html
So, being Pro-Life, I totally agree with this law. I believe that if women are made to have a sonogram and urged to hear the baby's heartbeat, they will be much less likely to go through with the abortion. On the other hand, I can see how this could lead to a higher number of women attempting to self-abort.
I have more to say on this issue, but I'm not sure how to word it properly without offending anyone, so bare with me on this.
I feel this law is a great idea for women who have chosen to have unprotected sex. I am in no way saying that women who have been raped. That, in my opinion would just be cruel. I am also not saying that women who are pregnant with babies facing certain birth defects should be put through this. I am just simply agreeing that women who have chosen not to use protection should be forced to see ALL the options available, not just abortion. They may change their minds, and decide to keep the baby. Or they may decide that putting the baby up for adoption is a better option.
Now, all that being said, I am Pro-Life. I don't believe I could ever have an abortion. Even if the baby was facing certain 'defects'. I believe that every life is beautiful and sacred. No matter what. I believe that every life has a purpose. Now, I have not ever had to deal with any traumatic pregnancies, or babies facing certain defects, so I can't honestly say that I would stick by those beliefs if I were facing such a situation. I can only speak on what I feel at this moment. I however, will not judge any woman who chooses to terminate a pregnancy for the above mentioned reasons. I would not judge any woman who chooses to terminate a pregnancy due to rape. I AM sickened by women who have had several abortions simply because they are too thick headed to use protection. I had a co-worker many years ago who had seven children, with seven different fathers. Shortly after meeting her, she went in for her FIFTH abortion. THAT is the kind of person I feel this law is for.
I'm done ranting now, although I'm sure I could say a ton more on this subject. I welcome all comments. Those who agree with me, and those who don't. Please though, this is a sticky subject, I just ask that we all be civil.
I LOVE this. Every state should do this.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree! I am glad it makes exceptions for certain circumstances, but overall, I think it's an excellent idea.